Paul Duttenhaver Extension Scholarship

Spring/Winter 2024 The Paul Duttenhaver Extension Scholars Program provides up to 16 scholarships of $2,500 for UCEAP students who extend from a quarter or semester term to spend a full year abroad in one country. UCEAP and the donor, Linda Duttenhaver, value the benefits that come with lengthy immersion in one culture. Selections are based on academic performance and financial need. Applicants must have a passion for studying abroad and a willingness to embrace and learn from the host country’s customs, language, and culture. They must also file paperwork to extend from a quarter or semester program to spend the remainder of an academic year abroad in the same country.

Supplemental Questions
  1. This opportunity is available to students extending their fall 2023 program to spring 2024. Please confirm you are extending your program.
  2. First Name
  3. Middle Name
  4. Last Name
  5. Student ID #
  6. UC Campus
  7. Please enter your GPA (i.e. 3.15)
  8. General Information

    Class standing during term abroad
  9. Please select your host country from the list below (spring/winter 2024)
  10. Please select your UCEAP program from the list below (spring/winter 2024)
  11. Will most of your classes be taught in English?
  12. If you are enrolled in a UCEAP program which will be taught in English, in a primarily non-English speaking country, please discuss how you plan to integrate language and culture study into your experience.
  13. Previous International Experience
    • Do you have previous experience living, working, or studying outside of the United States?
    • If yes, please specify the date, duration, location, and type of program, employment, or living situation:
  14. Financial Information

    Please estimate the following in US dollars for the duration of your full year abroad:
    • 1. Total Projected Expenses for Study Abroad
    • 2. Parental Contibution
    • 3. Student Contribution
    • 4. Campus Financial Aid- scholarships and grants
    • 5.Campus Financial Aid - loans
    • 6. Other Grants or Private Scholarships
    • 7. Total Student Loan Debt to Date (through the end of the year before you go abroad)
  15. Statement of Financial Need (250 words or less)

    Provide an essay that explains your need for financial assistance. Please include how you plan to personally financially contribute to your program cost and if your family is going to contribute financially. Please also include information about any loans you have taken out up to this point.

    Be as complete and candid as possible in your essay, particularly if you have any unusual circumstances that affect your eligibility for financial aid or your ability to pay for your study abroad program. Examples would include: first generation college student, re-entry student, single parent, parental unemployment, bankruptcy, unforeseen medical expenses, siblings in college, etc. Do not restate information from your Statement of Purpose.
  16. Statement of Academic Preparation (250 words or less)

    Tell us about your academic preparation for your time abroad. Explain how your major or focus of study is related to your host country and the opportunities available there. If your program is taught in English but you will live in a country where English is not the primary language, explain what you have done to prepare to live in this environment. If you have chosen your host country for a specific area of study, please indicate that and how you have prepared to take advantage of those courses.

    The preferred qualification for the scholarship is a 3.0 GPA. If you have a GPA below 3.0, please use the Statement of Academic Preparation to explain why your GPA is below the requirement.
  17. Extension Statement of Purpose (750 words or less)

    The Paul Duttenhaver Extension Scholars Program makes awards available for UCEAP students who will extend their participation to spend a full year abroad in one country. UCEAP and the donor, Linda Duttenhaver, value the benefits that come with a year abroad and want to encourage and assist students who are considering this option. These $2,500 awards will be disbursed based on academic performance and financial need. Applicants must have a passion for studying abroad and a willingness to embrace and learn from the host country's customs, language, and culture.

    Students may anticipate that extending to a year abroad will allow them to learn about themselves and others. When preparing to write your personal statement, think about how you will learn and grow from your additional time abroad. The selection committee is looking for students who approach the privilege of studying abroad with humility, who will be keen observers of their host country, and who will be open to new experiences.

    Address how the country, language (if applicable), and specific program you selected will help you achieve your academic, professional, and personal goals.

    Academic objectives for studying abroad:
  18. Which courses do you plan to take in your next term abroad? How will these courses complement or enhance what you have taken at your home UC campus, and what you have taken abroad so far? What do you hope to learn?
  19. Are there faculty members at your host university with whom you would like to study? Are there departments at your host university that offer unique perspectives on your area of study that are different from your home department?

    Career objectives for studying abroad:
  20. Are there unique opportunities in your host country that will help to prepare you for your career?
  21. Do you plan to have an internship related to your career interests?

    Personal growth opportunities for studying abroad:
  22. Why did you choose to extend to a full year?
  23. What do you hope to experience in your remaining time abroad?
  24. How do you hope to grow personally in your next term?

    Limit your essay to 750 words. Keep it focused, with concise and clear writing. Evaluators place great value on coherent writing, proper grammar, and accurate spelling. Have someone review your essay with these requirements in mind.

    We strongly advise all students to take advantage of writing resources available on campus, via email if necessary. We also encourage you to have a friend or colleague review your essay. A well-written essay, with correct grammar and punctuation, is one of the most important factors in the selection for receipt of scholarships.
  25. Letter of Recommendation

    Your file must include one letter of recommendation. Seek to provide a strong letter of recommendation, such as one from a supervisor, TA or faculty member, or the head of a nonprofit where you have volunteered. The letter should come from someone who knows you and is familiar with your academic work and personal characteristics. A letter from a supervisor or TA who knows you well is more useful than a letter from a professor who cannot speak to your personal goals and previous successes. You may use a letter that has been solicited for your general EAP application. Personal references are not acceptable for this application.

    You may upload a letter yourself if you have a PDF copy. If you would like a letter to be uploaded by the recommender, then please complete the following question with the recommender’s contact information so that we may request a letter for you. Be sure to contact your recommender in advance to confirm that he or she is willing and able to upload a letter for you by the deadline of March 15 (for Spring/Winter to Fall extensions) or November 1 (for Fall to Spring/Winter extensions).

    You are welcome to use a letter from the Study Center Director or Staff where you are currently studying, or a professor at your host university abroad.
  26. Letter of Recommendation
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